Star Wars: Hunters pc – NoxPlayer Best Android emulator, enable mobile game playing on PC Fri, 21 Jun 2024 06:47:29 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 Star Wars: Hunters Tier List | Best Character Fri, 21 Jun 2024 06:46:53 +0000 ...KEEP READING...]]> The game Star Wars: Hunters has 13 different characters. Each character has a specific role and unique abilities that you’ll need to master if you want to win every match. With so many options, how do you know which one is best for you?Before we talk about the best characters in the game, it’s important to understand the three main types of characters: Damage, Support, and Tank. Damage characters are aggressive and have strong offensive abilities, but they have low health. Support characters don’t do much damage or have strong defense, but they have incredible abilities to heal and protect the team. Tanks have massive health, allowing them to absorb a lot of damage for the team.

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Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each character type is key to choosing the right one for your playstyle and your team’s needs. Knowing the different character classes will help you find the best one for you.

Star Wars: Hunters Tier List

The game has a lot of different characters, and we’ve tried to rank them all based on their strengths, abilities, and how hard they are to use. If you’re having trouble deciding which character to play, this ranking should help you find the best one.

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We’ve split the characters into three main types – Damage, Support, and Tank. The Damage characters hit really hard, but they don’t have much health. So with them, you want to jump in, take out an enemy or two, and then get out quickly before you get taken down. Here are the top Damage characters:


Characters (Hunters)


Imara Vex, Rieve, Diago




J-3DI, Utooni

The Support characters are all about helping out their teammates, rather than dealing a lot of damage or trying to complete the main objective on their own. Right now in Star Wars: Hunters, there are only two Support characters available.

The Support characters don’t focus on doing big damage. Instead, their main job is to support and assist the rest of the team. Whether that’s healing them, protecting them, or boosting their abilities, the Support characters are all about enabling their teammates to perform better.


Characters (Hunters)






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Finally, we have the Tank characters. Their job is to soak up damage from the enemies and push forward to help the team achieve the objective. The Tank role is the most important one in Star Wars: Hunters, so it should be played by the most experienced players. Here are the best Tank characters in the game:

The Tank characters have a ton of health, which allows them to take hits and protect the rest of their team. They may not deal the most damage, but their ability to absorb punishment and lead the charge is crucial. If you want to be the sturdy backbone that your team can rely on, the Tank role is the one for you.


Characters (Hunters)


Slingshot, Charr



And that’s our ranking of all the characters in Star Wars: Hunters. If you’re new to Star Wars: Hunters, don’t forget to check out our other article that recommends the best character for beginners to start with. That can help you pick a good character to use when you’re first learning the game.

Overall, this tier list should give you a good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of all the different Hunters currently available. Use it to help you decide which character fits your playstyle and the needs of your team. But remember, the roster will keep growing, so be on the lookout for new Hunters to try in the future!
